
Wednesday 2 March 2016

Library reflections & news

Last year ended with a few exciting events which I haven't had a chance to recount to you, so before I get into the news for 2016, I wanted to announce that the winner of the 2015 book trailer competition was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, created by Jamie, Georgia and Emily. Well done girls. They had such fun posing for pictures in my rattletrap Mum's taxi, pretending they were Harry and Ron in a flying car!

We had a couple of fantastic author/illustrator visits last year - namely Fifi Colston with her wonderful wearable art inspirations and Ross Kinnaird who entertained us with his on the spot caricatures of teachers. 

Principal Liz had an idea that it would be fun to have a gallery of pictures of authors and illustrators who have visited, and display signed books in the library, so watch this space. So far we have had Kate de Goldi, Mark Sommerset, Janet Martin, Geronimo Stilton (wink), Fifi Colston and Ross Kinnaird visiting our school. Aren't we lucky!


Upcoming events and library news:

Book club:

This year 32 year six children signed up for book club!  I have split them into two groups - one on Wednesdays and one on Thursdays, at tea time. I think we will achieve more in two smaller groups (and have more fun). We are starting to plan our book trailers and will begin drawing storyboards next week.

Lunchtimes in the library: 

The library monitors are all settling into their 2016 schedule and seem to be enjoying the responsibility of being on the issuing desk one week and shelving the next. A small group of 'super-shelvers' will earn an extra day of library duty in term four. The librarians also help with the display shelves. Every term we feature a different genre on the Feature Genre shelf. The monitors select the genre, help to populate the shelf with books in that genre and create a poster. This term the feature genre is Mystery.

We currently also have a display on our inquiry topic, which is "what does bravery look like". There are books on heroes, ANZAC day, myths and legends, traditional fairy-tales, explorers, courageous characters like Anne Frank and Helen Keller, and picture books that tackle ideas like being afraid of the dark, first day at school, transitions, etc. These are available to issue.

There is also a new book stand - so tuck in!

Children are really enjoying playing with LEGO in the library at lunchtimes, from 1 - 1.30pm, on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Every Friday lunchtime in the library is Storytime where I will read to the children, play a CD or they can watch an author reading aloud on the 'big screen'. 

Author visit:

I am excited to announce that Kyle Mewburn, an acclaimed and hugely successful New Zealand author will be visiting our school on 12th May! I will write a post on him soon and we will be doing some fun activities in the library at lunch times leading up to his visit. For example - making dinosaur sculptures out of recycling, reading his books, writing book reviews of his books, watching him read online, making him a massive thank-you card and decorating the library windows with liquid chalk messages. 

Ngā mihi

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