
Tuesday 17 May 2016

A high-energy visit from Kyle Mewburn

Kyle Mewburn’s visit 

“I’m a pirate! Just kidding, I’m a magician …” said Kyle, bouncing into the classrooms with gusto. The children were captivated from the outset, hanging onto his every word. Kyle Mewburn has written prolifically and won many awards. Our school library has no shortage of the author's wonderful picture books and chapter books. 

The juniors and middle school were treated to readings of “Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck!”, “Seesaw Po,” “Duck’s Stuck!” and other favourites. These were interspersed with anecdotes about how Kyle came up with his outlandish ideas, how the illustrator of Old Hu-Hu had to overcome her fear of insects to create a Huhu that looks more like a person than a bug and we enjoyed a hilarious joke sharing session. Kyle ended with a theatrical performance that introduced the characters of his popular series, Dragon Knight and Dinosaur Rescue. A group of year 3/4 children spent the afternoon with Kyle in a writer’s workshop in the library and he extended them to think about how to vividly show, not tell through some interesting exercises. Thank-you Kyle – we hope to see you again in the future! 

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