The ACB with Honora Lee, by Kate De Goldi
Perry leaned into Gran and blew gently on her cheek. "Gran," she said, "Gran? Who am I?"
"Well," said Gran tartly, "If you don't know, I can't help you!"
Perry's Gran can't remember things as well as she used to.
She decides to make an alphabet book of everything and everyone in Santa Lucia.
Perry tries her best to help her Gran learn who everyone is, including herself.
Will Perry's Gran find a way through the alphabet and learn, or not?
By Gaia
You, Me and Thing, by Karen McCombie
This is a story about a little girl and boy who are BEST Friends But ... When Jackson, the little boys cousins come over, the whole thing changes, but I'm not finished yet; they have a secret...They have a THING. I'm not too sure if I should tell you or not because it will ruin the surprise. P.S - He has uncontrollable magic that happens at the wrong times!
The Tale of Despereaux by Kate Di Camillo
Meet Despereaux, the most adorable mouse ever. When Despereaux is born, his parents don't like him, neither does the rest of his family.
He knows how to read, which can be strange for a mouse.
One day Despereaux hears some music from the King and he falls in love with Princess Pea. He gets put in the dungeon for what he did.
Meet Roscuro and Migerry Sow, the two that don't go together. They take Pea into the dungeon.
Will Despereaux save Princess Pea and be able to make things right?
Please let me know if this is your book review so I can add your name here ...
Moonlight & Ashes by Sophie Masson
Selina used to walk through the doors of The Angels cupcake and sugary restaurant until her mum died in a carcrash. Now she lives with her stepsisters and stepmother as a slave.
A hazel twig. A prince. A life-changing adventure.
She thinks that gold bird did it all, but she was wrong... Her mother's spirit tells her what she needs to do.
Will Selina ever find her happy ending?
Please let me know if this is your book review so I can add your name here ...